
The Jukes

The Jukes

Ladies & gentlemen, introducing The Jukes! Hot from the shores of the Riviera The Jukes guarantee to get the party going! This power house 4 piece band draw on their English, French & Brazilian roots to show you a good

The Fernandos

The Fernandos

One of the hottest bands on the Riviera specialising in latin and foreign pop classics. The Fernandos perform acoustically & have no need for a sound system, playing authentic Cuban, Latin, Spanish, French and Italian hits that guarantee to excite!

The Troubadours

The Troubadours

The Troubadours truly live up to their name.  This group of musicians from England, Mexico & Brazil currently based in the French Riviera, perform a diverse mix of popular music and hits from around the world, including songs in English, French,